
Sales pitches are the calling card and the first impact a company has on its B2B customers and stakeholders. They explain the nature and value proposition of any business pitch clearly and concisely in less times than it takes to go up a few floors. That's why they are also called Elevator Pitches.

Why do we
need one?
In business, time is money, and many competitors and managers have to make quick decisions, safely. Therefore, for a business to be successful it is necessary to convey its value proposition convincingly and concisely in a Sales Pitch. If we are able to make the case at that moment, we will have the opportunity to speak in more depth in the future.
What does it
consist of?
A brief message
As we have already said, the message has to be, above all, concise. There is no time here to make dozens of arguments and expand on each of them. We must convince the audience with a couple of well-structured, impactful, innovative and always thinking about the audience in front of us.

Related to the previous point, in a sales pitch there is no opportunity to beat around the bush, we must get straight to the point, making your intentions clear, with a simple and direct tone. The cleaner the speech is and the less unnecessary explanations it has, the more likely it is to hit the key points that will make the sale.

Point out the problem
It is very likely that the launch of a new product, service or business was born to satisfy a latent need in someone's life. This is one of the most important arguments that many Sales Pitches start with, because when we get the audience to empathize with a
problem, it is much easier to sell a solution.

A good solution
Once the problem is on the table, a Sales Pitch must explain how the business’ value proposition will address each of its customers' needs: the product attributes, its services, what is innovative about it and what will differentiate it from the competition.

When I should have a Sales Pitch?
When you need to explain a product, service or any business model to people in the B2B field to involve them in a project – because they are potential investors or customers, because they will do some promotional action, or they will work in the business, or because they will collaborate in some other way.
Does the Sales Pitch have to tell a story?
Not necessarily, but many Sales Pitches develop a narrative. If the story you tell is related to what you will be talking about later, it will help to introduce the problem in a natural way and keep the audience's attention throughout the pitch.
Is it good to start a Sales Pitch with a question?
Asking the audience a question at the beginning of the Pitch is a good way to get their attention, generate interaction with them by turning the monologue into a conversation and move away from an egocentric speech that talks exclusively about the product. The more the pitch is involved in the life of the audience, the more they will empathize with the story.
Should I rehearse the Sales Pitch?
Bearing in mind that you don't always have more than a minute to present your ideas, it’s a good plan to practice it as many times as possible so that you don't miss any important information. You should avoid learning it by heart, but rather, it should come out naturally, with a pleasant tone and it should sound like a normal conversation. Here, the mirror can be a great ally to analyze your way of delivering it.
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We will collaborate to find the right answer and bring progress to your business and to the world.