Line-up Tools

Line-up tools are tailor-made tools that help internal teams to understand and align with the defined proposition. Line-up tools are much more than style guides, they are digital tools, tutorials or interactive experiences that help internal teams to discover the different aspects of the brand and to apply them in their day-to-day work.

Why do we
need one?
Often, after a brand diagnosis, the problem is found to arise from internal misalignment on the vision, positioning or expression of the brand across teams, markets or locations. It is just as important to develop a branding project that defines the strategy to be followed, the audience profile or how the brand should be expressed visually and verbally, as it is to ensure that the teams that bring the brand to life internalize its proposal and communicate it correctly to their targets.
What does it
consist of?
Digital brand book
A digital brand book is an interactive brand book that enables internal teams to immerse themselves in the brand universe, and it goes far beyond a style guide. The digital brand book can include the company's history, its story, its positioning, its communication history, detailed product information and other inspired content such as references, readings or future product or service innovations. The aim of the digital brand book is to adapt the content to the needs of a specific profile and to propose a much more enjoyable and attractive experience than that of a conventional brandbook format.

Brand hub
A brand hub is a brand corner where all brand elements are shared – including images, typographies, campaigns to brand resources so that the different teams can easily access and download them and keep each team updated in a fast, agile and secure way.

Verbal branding platform
A verbal branding platform unites the brand's tone of voice, personality and main message guidelines according to the moment in which an organization finds itself and to its various audiences. It can also include practical writing or customer service exercises for different user profiles to ensure the correct assimilation of the brand's tone of voice at the different moments of the customer journey.

Digital brand guidelines
The digital brand guidelines are configured as a landing page in which the different brand elements and their ordering criteria are included and allow for quick navigation by the organization's internal teams.

What is the difference between a brand book and a line-up tool?
A brand book covers the brand universe, going far beyond guidelines, while a line-up tool includes practical information and exercises that teams can use to practice and internalize the content.
What is the difference between brand guidelines and a line-up tool?
Brand guidelines include the brand elements and their application criteria, whereas a line-up tool seeks to include the brand elements, tutorials on their use or application, and even practical exercises to ensure the correct assimilation of the contents.
Are line-up tools always digital?
In most cases, line-up tools are digital for ease of use and scalability, but they can also be physical through physical kits or face-to-face exercises.
What will be the structure and content of a line-up tool?
The structure and content of the tool will be adapted to the organization, the brand, the structure of the teams and the needs of the project. Once the specific needs have been studied, the specific tool proposal will be developed.
What format can a line-up tool take?
The format will vary depending on the project – from a landing page, a site or a test to an interactive video or a game. We study the specific needs of the brand and its teams as well as their technological capabilities and will develop the format that best meet their needs.
Can a line-up tool be used in a new profile onboarding process?
A line-up tool can be the ideal method to facilitate the onboarding of a new employee, especially for those who interact directly with customers, whether in person, by phone or digitally.
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