Brands are constantly communicating to their audiences. Their campaigns, their social networks and even their events are expressions of the brand and must be aligned with the brand strategy and the defined visual universe. In a communication project, we translate the brand proposal – be it verbal or visual – into communication pieces that ensure brand consistency and coherence, and serve as a guide for future brand communications.
Why do we
need one?
Communication pieces make the brand's true impact on its audiences. Each communication message must be aligned with the brand strategy and communicate the defined brand territory, so it is essential that they are perfectly connected with the value proposition and with our objectives and needs, whether it is a question of awareness, differentiation or relevance. When a communication strategy is not aligned with the defined brand strategy, the desired positioning will not have an impact on the brand's internal or external audiences.
What does it
consist of?
Message strategy
The message strategy defines the main elements to be communicated in order to express the communication pillars to each of the brand's audiences. The message strategy will be based on the positioning strategy defined and will be aligned with the insights and consumer drivers identified, as well as serving as a tool to minimize the brand obstacles that are detected. The strategy is synthesized in a detailed message matrix that guides the brand's content at each of its points of contact.
Definition of the brand universe
Ensuring brand recognition and consistency means defining not only its main brand identification elements but also establishing its entire universe, from its locations, through photographic style, materials, projected consumer profile, the relationship it wishes to establish with its targets to how brand values are represented in its communications. Defining the brand universe will help to create flexible and adaptable communication while consistently ensuring the coherence and differentiation of the brand.
Key brand visuals
Brand communication is often developed by different hands so we should generate a master key visual that serves as a reference on the layout, and that should be followed in the communication pieces to ensure that the brand language is applied in the best way across all its contact points. Developing the brand's key visuals will help to give coherence to future communications and ensure consumer recognition at all times.
Big ideas and creative concepts
A brand strategy needs to be executed in a simple, understandable and easily communicable way according to specific brand objectives. We should create creative concepts that activate the defined value proposition ensuring understanding, resonance and recall within the complex competitive environment.
Communication channel strategy
A communication campaign must live in a certain ecosystem of channels, adapting the creative idea to the specific needs of each medium and contact point in a way that is consistent with the brand strategy, messages and audiences to be engaged. We propose communication channel strategies from conventional media, both physical and digital, and we carry out channel innovation projects that become communication products in their own right.
Internal communication campaigns
The value proposition of a brand must be communicated internally to the different internal audiences and markets. The correct implementation of the strategy in the medium term will depend on the brand ambassadors knowing it, internalizing it and aligning their work with the global objectives and strategies. For this reason, we carry out internal communication campaigns that help organizations to explain their proposal and invite employees to be part of it.
What is the difference between message strategy and channel strategy?
Both strategies often form part of the same project but the approaches and deliverables of each will be different. The messaging strategy will define and prioritize what needs to be communicated to each audience to maximize brand consideration, while the channel strategy will help find the best medium and medium to impact each audience.
What is a key visual?
A key visual establishes the graphic elements and communicative style of a brand and should serve as a guide for the brand's advertising campaigns regardless of the audience, channel or objective pursued. It will be the master that will help to generate brand consistency.
What is a big idea or creative idea?
A big idea will be a simple and activatable creative concept that will be expressed visually to bring the defined brand strategy to life.
Can internal communication campaigns only be to communicate a new positioning?
No. An internal communication campaign can be the closure of a brand project or help the organization in many other challenges such as generating a sense of belonging, helping in a recruitment process, communicating the brand purpose of a brand and its commitments to sustainable development or generating a common culture between different sites, teams or markets.
Can a brand advertise without having defined its brand communication?
Brands often carry out advertising campaigns without having previously carried out a brand reflection, often pursuing short-term tactical objectives between one campaign and the next without building a medium-term vision and distilling a clear brand proposition, generating confusion among audiences with each change of campaign.
Should all brands communicate?
All brands communicate, whether to internal or external audiences or to end consumers or B2B. The channels and intensity of their communication may be very different but all brands communicate at some point in their customer journey.
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